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Lup the Toad
Player ID: 159297
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Regeneration : 3
Energetic immunity : 5
Trade sense : 6
Briskness : 6
Initiative : -1
Defence : 3
Attack : 8
Power : 0
Luck : 0
Principle of Syntropy = 16
Darkness Principle = 13
Principle of Imagination = 17
Tiny magical creature, probably result of spell of some sort.
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Battle stats
Won: 66 | Lost: 98
Honor: 1087
MindPower: 3
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Lupus Von Dracula/Lupus Pendragon/Lup



 My name is Lup, there is no frist or last name to go with it. I have very few memorys of who and what I was in the past before I arrived in this land tied up in a back of a wagon under the cover of a moonless night.As I wander though this strange land things strik me as fomilar.The hollowed halls beneath Marble Dale Park send shivers up my spine.The feel of invisable eyes watching my every move huants me.Passing thnrough here and there faces and names I see bug me at the back of my mind, as if I should know them when I've never seen then before.I feel as if I've been here before.

           Enough of this brooding.I shall puzzle over the past later right now I'm getting distracted.My name is Lup, as I've said but there is more to know about me.For one I'm possesed by evil hungers.Na matter what or how much I drink I still thrust.My body hungers though I dinna ken what fer.The thought of blood makes my thrist worse.The site of kissing couples makes me lustfull and the odd hunger of my body worse.I dont know what I was before I came here.Nay even who I was.But I fear what I am or are becoming.

           I think I know what I am now. I have come to belive through some ah research that I am a sucubi. What I am disgusts me some what.I'm a blood sucking demon that feeds off lust  its utterly shamefull.My parents if I have any must have been ashamed of me and wanted me as far away as possible.I mean that would explain me arriveing here tied up in the back of a wagon,right?


           Since my arrival to this land I've made many friends them being

                                                - Silek

                                                - Icedragon

                                                - Werewolfer

                                                - Pipstickz

                                                - Adiomino

                                                - Shelli of Celestria

                                                - Sir Blut

                                                 - SwoardMaster Trey


                 I've got to come clean and be honest,Lupus Von Dracula is me.I can't stand trying to kept it seperate.I've been doing things that have hurt SwoardMaster Trey he knows now and I jsut feel dirty.Lupus was going out with Trey then because of something Trey couldn't help she got oh hell i dont know.Things lead to things that lead to things.Any way to sum things up with out me going on and on blabbing and making no sense Lupus killed herself and tried to seperate her life and accounts.If nothing I'm saying right now makes sense sorry I'm bloody tired and operateing under maybe 5 and 1/2 hours of sleep so just deal with it.

               Okay any way Trey knows,pip knows,I knows everybodys knows moving on now that we established that.Through a bunch of hours of talking we r all going to try something(and by all i dont mean my spilt personas)Just ofr everyone one knows for no one getsa confused about anything Lupus Von Dracula is me and not a spilt person and I am her.I am Pipstickz slave.Trey and I r trying to sort things out and kinda start over as bf and gf.Ok

                I here by delete the arangement i worked so long to get last nite.I feel bad about it but its better that i do so now.I cant be with some how hates someone I care about.The arangment I cancel.Sorry Trey but maybe its just not ment to be.

                Not Pipstickz slave anymore revolted
                My life sucks. Anyone one ever do lots of bad things and have it shoved at you? I know the "What comes arround comes arround" statement est true along with "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" thing is also true. I cheated on Trey a while back as you know with Pip then tried to have both which failed. But you know that. What you dont know is since then Pip has had other. In fact the second reason after the hate culb thing that made me call the whole trial off two was Pip was seeing someone else as the same time as me. Well karma has paid me baqck now all the way for Trey is dateing someone named Ice Winterland. God karma sucks. Though I'm not really pissed at anyone other then myself. Everythings my flaut and I have to live with it.
Catch up:
                  I'm Pipstickz slave again, not that anybody cares.*smiles*
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Me age 16





               - MANAGEING TO BE DEAD ONCE






 : Pipstickz snuggles and kisses her neck
Lup: *stiffins* (fine you've made your chocie dont complain latter to me about being stuck in this very place)
 : Pipstickz nuzzles into her neck
 : Lup As the name is mentioned a thrid time instead of Beetlejuice appearing a green pluseing light appears and surounds Pipstickz and Lup closeing in on them.
 : Lup the light shines brighter as it froces its way into there lungs the the nose and and mouth where it thickens into a liquid that stays in one place drowning them
 : Lup they both black out as the oxygen in their blood discreases and their brain stops functing and their hearts stop beating
Lup: *hours latter they awake not reliseing they are dead (there bodys aren't there to show them they are)
Lup: *sits up and looks at you* that was werid
 : Pipstickz shrugs and cuddles more
StrongWilled Leg.: *tilts her head curiously* Greetings! *smiles* .
Lup: *shakes her head* Really we black out and all you do after is shrug and cuddle
 : Pipstickz waves to Legna
Lup: *smiles* Hi
Lup: *smiles* what do you want to do sir
Pipstickz: I dunno...
 : Lup turns into a kitten and rolls aorund on the floor
 : Lup meow
Pipstickz: Hai kitty
 : Lup gives a kitty cat grin
 : Lup nodges you with her head and gives a questioning meow
Pipstickz: Yes kitty?
 : Lup nodges you again
Pipstickz: What? What do you want?
 : Lup cocks her head to one side tyring to think of how to get what she wants acoss to you
Pipstickz: Well...?
 : Lup nodges your knees and rubs her head against your hand
Pipstickz: I still don't get it
 : Lup puff
 : Lup rubs her head agaisnt your hand
Lup: (come on it's not that hard)
Lup: meow?
 : Pipstickz pets her
 : Lup purrs while thinking "ding ding ding we have a winner!"
Pipstickz: Yaaay
 : Lup hops into your lap and cuddles
Some of my creatures
Elite Lorerootian Archer Elemental V Aramor Assassin

Online Quizes results


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You Act Like You Are 13 Years Old

You are a teenager at heart. You don't quite feel like a grown up yet, but you don't feel like a kid.
You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

You're quite rebellious, and you don't like being told what to do. You like to do things your way.
You have your own unique style, taste in music, and outlook on life.




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Your very agressive, like to do crazy stuff, get hurt a lot, always wear something with black on it, hang around weird people, are more mad than you are happy, and really bad anger managment problems......=(               


Your element is Rain: Sad, lonely, distant and unique. You are quite distant from emotion and people, but you have been made this way by one thing or another. You are truly unique yet fail to see it and are quite creative be it in art, music, writing, ect.. You used to let people in now you don't even bother to try, having been hurt so many times in the past. Your attitude is that you don't need anyone but yourself, people are just trouble waiting to happen. But you really do want to trust someone no matter if you see it or not, deep down your waiting for someone to come and set you free. This kind of depression can turn dangerous, don't let them get to you. Not everyone in the world will hurt you. Humans are humans and are not perfect. So most likely sooner or later you'll meet someone who feels like you do and perhaps your shell will eventually disappear.

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Page 190 - The Shade Ballance - sav.
While searching throu the alliance archives, savelfuser finds detailed documents on how to summon Master Wodin Ullr, the great warrior. He slowly realises what that means and that he has to keep his position as leader as long as he can. ...
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